R Repeat loop

In R programming, you can use a for loop to repeat a block of code a specified number of times. Here’s the basic syntax of a for loop:

for (variable in sequence) {

  # Code to be executed


variable: This is the loop variable that takes on the values from the sequence during each iteration of the loop.

sequence: This is a vector or sequence of values over which the loop will iterate.

Here’s an example of a simple for loop that prints numbers from 1 to 5:

for (i in 1:5) {



In this example, i is the loop variable, and 1:5 is the sequence of values from 1 to 5.

You can also use the rep function to repeat a specific action a certain number of times:

n <- 5 # Number of times to repeat

action_to_repeat <- “Hello, World!”

for (i in 1:n) {



In this example, the action “Hello, World!” is repeated 5 times.

Alternatively, you can use the repeat and break statements to create a loop that continues until a certain condition is met:

count <- 1

repeat {


  count <- count + 1

  if (count > 5) {




This loop will continue indefinitely until the count variable exceeds 5, at which point it will break out of the loop.

Keep in mind that R also provides other looping constructs like while loops and vectorized operations that can often be more efficient and idiomatic for certain tasks. The choice of loop type depends on the specific requirements of your program.

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