Understanding Sum Function
In Excel, we use the SUM function to total of values in a specified range of cells.
The SUM function is used to add values. You can enter individual values, cell references, ranges, or a combination of the three.
Syntax of Sum formula
The syntax of the SUM function is as follows:
=Sum(value1, [value2], [value3],…)
We can insert a range of cells into the SUM function, for example:
The function above will look within the cells in range C2 to C5, and return the highest value.
Practice Sum function below:
The formula can be entered in the highlighted cell. If the formula entered is correct, it shows good job. If the formula is entered incorrectly, the result will be invalid. Please keep in mind that you can only enter formula in the highlighted cells.
Hurray! You know now how to use sum function. Practice SUMIF, SUMIFS, and other functions by checking our articles below
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