Setup Dynamic Chart titles and table headers in Microsoft Excel

Dynamic Chart titles

Do you always forget to change the chart title? Do you have a dynamic chart whose title changes after the change in year? Are you facing any similar kind of problem where you always wanted to dynamically change the chart title and always forget to change it manually?

Well, we have a solution.

Suppose you have the following data set.

As it is clear from the data, with the change in year we would like to change the chart title also. 

One more advantage of having dynamic chart title is that if you forget to change the title of chart at the beginning only, like it is shown above in the example. You can use the below mentioned technique to efficiently manage and edit chart data in Excel.

First you need to have a cell to link to for the name. We will be taking this cell as I4 according to the example data.

Now, Follow the steps:

  • Click on the chart title of the chart
  • Navigate to the formula Bar and type =
  • Click on the cell you want to dynamically link the title to. In our case it is the I4
  • Press Enter button

Voila! You now have a chart, having dynamic chart title.

Changing Table Headers Dynamically

Having dynamic headers sometimes really improves the workflow and can include important information, enabling you to just peek over the headers to get the relevant summary.

Let us learn this by an example to see how it can benefit us.

You may never have faced any problem with static headers, but after knowing about this technique. I think you’ll love to implement this.

Let’s get started.

Consider the following Data

Now it is hard to determine the exact number of all the quantities of fruits purchased. To do so you have to calculate it manually.

We may implement a dynamic header to solve this issue efficiently.

Follow these steps:

  • Click on the header cell you want to implement dynamic header
  • Type the following formula

You can customise the formula as per your liking. In our example we have done summation of all the quantities.

  • Press Enter

Now you have a dynamic header whose value will change with every change in the table data.

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