The acronym SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is a database management system language that can be used to create, delete, and edit databases and database objects, as well as save, retrieve, and update data. SQL is a programming language that is used to build, access, and manipulate database management systems. It is compatible with SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL, as well as all other relational database management systems.

SQL operations of various kinds
SQL commands are classified into five types based on their functionality.
DDL: DDL is an abbreviation for “data definition language.” In relational database management systems, DDL commands such as CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and others are used to create and modify databases and database objects. The most commonly used DDL commands include CREATE, DROP, ALTER, and TRUNCATE.
DML: DML is an abbreviation for “data manipulation language.” DML commands are used in relational database management systems to manipulate data. DML instructions, such as INSERT INTO TableName, DELETE FROM TableName, UPDATE tableName set data, and so on, are used to add, remove, and update data in a database system. INSERT INTO, DELETE FROM, and UPDATE are the most frequently used DML commands.
DQL: DQL is an abbreviation for “data query language.” The DQL command is used to get the data. The DQL command is used to pick data from a table, view, temp table, table variable, and so on. DQL has only one command, which is the SELECT command.
DCL: DCL is an abbreviation for “data control language.” Access privileges for databases and database objects are granted and revoked using DCL commands. The DCL command is used to control user access to data. GRANT and REVOKE are the most frequently applied DCL commands.
TCL: TCL is an abbreviation for “transaction control language.” TCL commands are used to manage database transactions. In a multi-user context, transactions maintain data integrity. TCL commands can rollback and commit database data changes. COMMIT, Rollback, Savepoint, and Set Transaction are the most frequently used TCL commands.
SQL statements are used to perform operations on a database, such as updating and retrieving data. SQL is a programming language that is widely used in relational database management systems such as Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Ingres, and others.
Although most database systems employ SQL, they also have their own proprietary extensions that are often exclusively used on their systems. However, common SQL statements like “Select”, “Insert”, “Update”, “Delete”, “Create”, and “Drop” may be used to perform practically everything on a database.
Why Should You Use SQL?
SQL has been around for more than four decades. It has, nevertheless, evolved and continues to change. We’ve all learned SQL at some point in our schooling. We are here to improve things by moving away from outdated technologies and procedures. When you become a member of a system that uses ancient tools and procedures, you must accept it and reconsider its application in modern industry. In contrast, with this, you will study the ideas using industry-standard tools and techniques.
Understand that SQL is here to remain. If anything, it has just become a hot cake as a result of some strategic initiatives, such as Microsoft, which has recently made SQL available for Linux as well. The various cloud products, such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, the two main participants in the market, take a highly committed approach to the relational database architecture and, consequently, SQL. And this is only the start of a new age.