Column Profiling in PowerBi

Using data profiling software

The data profiling capabilities in Power Query Editor offer new and straightforward methods to clean, manipulate, and interpret data. They are as follows:

  1. Column caliber
  2. The distribution of columns
  3. Profile of a column
  • Go to the View tab on the ribbon to activate the data profiling tools. Enable the desired choices in the Data preview group.
  • When you activate the options, you’ll see something similar to the image below in Power Query Editor.

Column caliber

  1. The column quality feature categorizes values in rows into five groups:
  2. Validity is shown in green.
  3. The error is highlighted in red.
  4. Empty, shown in dark grey.
  5. Unknown, shown in dashed green. When a column contains mistakes, the quality of the remaining data is unclear.
  6. unexpected mistake, shown in red.
  7. As part of a tiny bar chart, these indicators are presented right beneath the name of the column.
  • The proportion of records in each quality category is also provided.
  • Hovering over any of the columns displays the numerical distribution of the quality of values throughout the column. Additionally, choosing the ellipsis button activates certain fast action buttons for value operations.

The distribution of columns

  • This feature displays a collection of visualizations beneath the column titles that indicate the frequency and distribution of the values in each column. The data in these visualizations are sorted in descending order, starting with the most frequent value.
  • Hovering over the distribution data in any of the columns displays information about the column’s overall data (with distinct count and unique values). You may also use the ellipsis button to get a menu of available actions.

Profile of a column

  • This feature gives you a more detailed look at the data in a column. It also includes a column statistics chart in addition to the column distribution chart.

Sort by value

  • By hovering over the areas of the chart, you may interact with the value distribution chart on the right side and choose any of the bars.
  • Right-click to get a list of transformations for that value.

Data copying

  • To display a copy shortcut menu, pick the ellipsis button in the upper-right corner of both the column statistics and value distribution sections. Choose it to copy the data in either section to the clipboard.

Sort by value

  • When you click the expand button in the upper-right corner of the value distribution chart, you may choose Group in addition to Copy. This tool categorizes the values in your chart according to a set of accessible options.
  • After the data in the chart has been aggregated, you can interact with individual values as indicated in Filter by value.
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